My neighborhood has a Little Library

My neighborhood has a Little Library

If you do not know what a little library is, it is like a over large bird house, they can come in some pretty adorable aCaelan at the Little Librarynd funky designs, it just depends on your hood. Well I was on my way to the grocery store and I noticed one in my hood. Excited party of one, now came the dilemma of deciding what book or two to add. I mean I could not be selfish and turn my whole hood into romance fiends…Right?

The whole concept of the Little Library is to add a book for others to read and then you can take a book, the good ole honor system. I had to explain that to my nephew last night, but only twice. You see he wanted to take a book but I brought two so we were covered. In all fairness he was along for the ride he did not understand it until he saw it.

The two books I added to the collection.

A Personal Matter, Karyn LanghorneOne A Personal Matter by Karyn Langhorne. I enjoyed this book it is a reread for me even though it is only told from the heroine’s point of view, but I really feel it will fit the neighborhood, which is a mix of college students, middle to lower income, elderly and very ethnic. (Check out my review).

I also added a newer book Tangled (Tangled, 1) by  Emma Chase. I have not read it but it is really hot right now and I see some good reviews on it. It is very shiny, and sometimes covers attract readers and I want to attract readers to the Little Library!

Do you have a Little Library in your hood? What book would you add? I wrote a little note to include in A Personal Matter, I just wanted the person to know why I chose the book and why I love reading, I want a book pen pal!

About Bookswagger

I like talking about books…

Posted on September 12, 2014, in Bookswagger and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. I don’t think my hood has a little library, but I so love this concept. I saw your review on A Personal Matter, you had wanting to read it badly ;D I added it to my wishlist though.

    Your nephew is adorable! and i hope you book pal writes you back 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you as I am his only Aunt I like to think I am his fav! I hope they write me back to…I am such a cornball when it comes to books. I really did like the story. Just rang so true even though she was a V her circumstances and need for her to be a good big sister is what lead to that and she had her own negative stereotypes about other races. If you read it I would love to know what you think. NO PRESSURE I can imagine what your TBR looks like.


  2. There’s a little library right around the corner from my house. What a fabulous idea.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes I say hook them one romance at a time! Also include a little note mine was just a paragraph but its not a must I know I would love to get a note even on a index card I always wonder why people like to read it why they like the books they like.


  3. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    I just love those! I’ve not seen one in my area but enjoy all the pictures online of them. It’s such a great idea. Our neighborhood has a LOT of walkers. I’ve wanted to put one up on my side yard but haven’t gotten up the nerve yet. Maybe one day 🙂


  4. That is so awesome! I have gone past one in my town hundreds of times, but never stopped to add a book – I will do so soon!!


    • Yes mine had a lot of classics and children books so I liked that I added a little diversity and something newer. I can’t wait to go back and see if someone took my picks. When you go take a pic and tag me on Twitter or something I would love too see what the one in your town looks like and the book you decided to go with!


We know you have swagger, let me know what you think