Dying to Love Her, Dana Lorraine (Review)

18803774Dying to Love Her, Dana Lorraine

Curvy Melanie Woodson wants to lose weight, enters Alec Kosta and Rook Abernathy her vampire personal trainers owners of Empriva fitness. They have a special plan guaranteed to help her shed the pounds all she has to do is sign up for a lifetime commitment.

Alec and Rook know Melanie is their lifemate, the one human who can turn them back into humans. They are ready to spend their lives loving her and teaching her to appreciate her curves, if only she would give them a chance to prove they love her as is.

Bookswagger Marcia: Three Crowns, swagger jacked decent read. I was really drawn to this concept. If you read paranormal you have probably read a vampire romance or two in your day and if you are like me you probably have to walk away from them unless something catches your eye which is why I wanted to read Dying to Love Her. I like where Dana Lorraine was going with this one. The one unique thing about vampires is their immortality and in this story they wanted to give that up, it was not a sad thing, it was something to celebrate. It meant they found their lifemate. I mean there is one scene, I will not give too much away, where one of the hero’s brothers is clearly grandpa material. He met his lifemate decades ago so although he is younger it made him look much older, which made for interesting reading. This is a ménage and we do have interaction between the heroine and each hero alone.

 Straight to the Swagger: The concept was unique the storyline alright, you would read this one for the world and ménage (ménage, ménage, ménage, I just like typing ménage)

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Posted on February 19, 2014, in Bookswagger, Swagger Book Reviews and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Hmm that’s an interesting twist. And lol menage. Yep I like typing that one. 🙂 Might have to give this one a go. I really haven’t read too many vampy reads lately.


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